Sunday, February 7, 2016

Obligated Dues, Obligated Support

Rebecca Friedrichs is a teacher in Orange County, California who is apart of her local teachers union while also fighting against it. She used to be a union officer and fought rigorously for reform in the job sector of the Union. She made pleas with her superiors to only have to get a pay cut but, she  was content with it because it meant hardworking teachers could save their job! Only to find out that the union would have agendas of its own and would cut jobs anyway. Friedrichs became furious with her union because of this and many other issues like annual union dues. Due to the fact that she is apart of the union and pays the dues on paper she supports the union and their believes, the only problem is that she doesn't. So she brought the union to court on basis of the first amendment because she is forced to support something that she doesn't. She won and her case is now started to be seen in the supreme court starting January 11th.
She views this as a win so far, but previous court precedent could be in the way of her and her fellow teachers victory. Unfortunately for Friedrichs and other teachers they must pay these dues to their local teachers union because thats their only hope to fight against capitalism in the education sector of the government, although money that is used to fight agendas could also be used towards teachers or even teaching resources instead of legal fees. Either way teachers are forced into paying dues to support causes they don't believe in just so they aren't in a fight alone and aren't independent in the class room, the union does fight for some reform which is beneficial to the teachers.

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