Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Food for Thought

On March 22nd, the Society of Professional Journalists held an event that would give people free food in return of their 1st amendment rights. So for the event once you got your food, you would eat in a room with "police officers" (members of the Society of Professional Journalists) and they could place you in jail for 5-10 minutes for anything you did or didn't do. This ranged from your food being to close to each other on your plate or even being with a certain amount of people for too long of a time. Once people started getting annoyed with how unreal these punishments were for these actions, they were explained by the administrators, that is how it is like in some countries without 1st amendment rights. Most Americans take the first amendment right for granted, because they haven't experienced what it is like to live without it before. Towards the end of the study the participants didn't want the food anymore, they wanted their freedoms back, they couldn't live without their freedom of religion, speech, petition, assembly and press. 11.3% of people in today's world suffer from hunger and 100% of people are affected by their first amendment rights being violated either directly or indirectly by the government. Usually the question to solve world issues like world hunger is, how can we feed the needy? But the real question is, what kills more people in these 3rd world countries their lack of freedoms or their lack of food?

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